Sunday 3 February 2013

Investigating Victorian artefacts

What other Victorian artefacts did you learn about?


  1. We also learnt about 3 more artifacts are the ink bottle, finger stocks and the slate and its really fun.

  2. We learnt about different objects that the Victorians used.

  3. Hi everyone as u can probably see this is a new piece of victorians blog what am gonna talk about today is black boards moden = whit boards and what am saying is this is all completely TRUE because i got this from the internet THANK YOU

    FACTS: Chilldren wrote on slates with chalk they wiped the blak boards clean by spitting on it or rubbing it with there fingers or coats I KNOW THATS DISCUSTING no effencce but they did haved a pretty hard time so yeah they tried hard

  4. We also learn about the backstraighter and how it was made from wood and it was a punishment.The Victorians teachers made the victorians children use the artefact to provent them for slouching and make them sit up in they classroom.

    1. Great Dontai, but can you research other artefacts on the internet?

  5. we also learnt about the ink bottle that you would use to write but only when they were allowed to write in a copybook.The ink would dry up at winter times so the parents would not like it at all.

  6. Well I learnt about the Victorian Hot Bottle. It was probably used to fill hot water by the Kitchen maid. It was taken upstairs by a house maid and placed at the end of a bed to warm it up. The prime minister, Gladstone, used it to fill his hot water bottle with tea so that if he wanted a drink in the middle of the night he could have one without having to wake his servants.

    1. Fantastic research Aaliyah, you have even named a Victorian Prime Minister. Very informative!

    2. I also learn that the Victorian Rice maker. When the Victorians were making rice they would make it in a rice maker witch is equivalent to boil rice today. India was part of British Empire and was a source of cheap rice.Some adventurous people in Britain were eating rice with curry. Other used their rice maker to make sweet milky rice pudding.It is an example of how Inventive Victorians were.

  7. Hello bloggers, I am going to be talking about what I learnt from the interview here I go: Hello to everyone a few days ago we did a interview about what children used in the Victorian days and here I was I found out

    Ink bottles were used for children that were cable to write neatly in copybooks.

    Back straighteners were used by young people but not just for children they were used to prevent them from slouching,it was also used as a kind of punishment.

    School slate a school slate was used for various writings and drawings,in fact it even has a modern equivalent called a whiteboard and whiteboard pen.

    Thank you for listining

  8. other artefacts
    slop bucket moustache cup
    bellows wood and leather shoes
    invalid cup wing collar shaving utensils
    Feather Duster and Carpet Beater house keepers Keys and Canes
    and more check on the internet byyyyye

    1. What is an invalid cup Nicole and what was it used for?

  9. hi 5 blue here is some artifacts that they use in the Victorian time.They used a slop bucket,Invalid Cup that servants use to eat beef tea.Feather Duster and Carpet Beater they where used like,this they hung over a washing line to be beaten and Shaving Utensils there are three objects are all to do with shaving. A rich gentleman's personal servant,will do it and shave the rich gentleman's beard.

  10. i had enjoyed that and it teach me what they had on victorians day

    Victoria was queen of the united kingdom of great britane ireland [1837-1901] and empress of india [1876-1901] .Her reighn was the longest of any monarch in british histrory and came to be known as the victorian era


  12. The Abacus was used in a Victorian classroom,they use it to learn their Multiplication, Adding,Subtraction and Division.It was like a computer,it is made of wood and it had colourful beads it is very tall so the whole class can see.The Abacus was first developed by the Chinese during the Chou Dynasty about (11-256 BC)It is still used in China and Japan and many countries.

    1. Would you swap your calculator for an abacus Omotola?

  13. Hey to all the bloggers out there i just wanted to give you a little tip of what we have been learning in class.He have been reading facts about the 4 things the victorians used the most it was finger stocks,ink bottle, slate and back straightner.The finger stocks were used to sttop fidgeting the in bottle was for them to write with and do alsorts which includes writeing the back straightner was for the children to used when they always were slouching and not sitting straight last but not least the slate were used for children younger than 8/7 had to use to learn how to write their names THANK YOU BLOGGERS :)

  14. Hi am going to tell you about that children in Victorian time.Queen Victoria reigned from 1837 to 1901 and life for children was very different from today. Many children from poor families worked and endured harsh conditions, but there were still simple ways of having fun. Have a go at replacing your computer with a Victorian game such as hopscotch or try making an early animation.

  15. Very informative Godswill.

    I like the challenge of replacing our computer with a Victorian game, at least for a day.

  16. I think exploring the topic of Victorian times is very informative. This should give the children an insight on how things have changed and that you could enjoy yourself without all the mod con of todays society. It has also been very informative for myself as well. I learnt a lot when doing research with Tosan about this era. I look forward to the next topic. Well done 5 Blue.

    1. Thanks very much for your positive comments Tosan's mum. Please blog again!

  17. Moustache Cup

    A great deal of fine china was produced in Victorian times.

    This particular cup and saucer would be used by a rich gentleman.

    Moustaches were very fashionable in Victorian times and the bar across the top would stop the gentleman's moustache from getting wet!

    Feather Duster and Carpet Beater

    The duster would have been useful for dusting detailed Victorian carvings. Carpets were hung over a washing line to be beaten.

    They would have been used by the housemaids in a large Victorian house.

    The duster has ostrich feathers and the beater is made from cane.

    Kitchen Utensils

    These items would be used by the cook and kitchen maids to prepare food.

    At the top is a rolling pin for rolling out pastry or biscuit dough.

    A cucumber slicer is below the rolling pin. Finely cut cucumber sandwiches were very fashionable to have with afternoon tea in Victorian times.

    The third item down is a whisk. The Victorians invented these useful gadgets - a vertical gear turning one way turned horizontal gears which spun the two whisks around. This whisk was much less effort to use than one without the gears.

    At the bottom is a pestle (the stick) and mortar (the bowl). All sorts of things needed crushing and grinding. Spices (like the cinnamon stick that you can see) had to be crushed into a powder. Sugar was bought as a large cone shaped loaf. It had to be ground into a powder in a pestle and mortar.
