Tuesday 26 February 2013

Welcome to the land of sentences

With the power of words, the whole world is your oyster!

For the past few days, pupils in 5 Blue have been learning about simple, compound and complex sentences. Using the words in the map of the UK below, write an example of each type of sentence.

Remember, each time you blog you must include an example of a simple, compound and complex sentence. That's three sentences, not just one!

This pupil post was brought to you today, by the letter Dontai, Shakye and Funmi.


  1. Hi bloggers,and I am going to write Simple,Compound,Complex sentence.Simple:Hi my name is Dontai.Compound:I live in London which is in Crown Point.Complex:Miss Willams who is our teacher is a fantasic teacher

  2. Oliver Twist lived in the victorian times

    I tried to speak spanish, and my friend Nicole tried to speak English.

    Jim is an orphan and he handed in his homework, but he forgot to the teacher the last page.

  3. A. Some students like to study in the mornings
    B. Alejandro played football, so Maria went shopping.
    C. The house which Abraham Lincoln was born in is still standing.

  4. simple:the cat sat on the mat
    compond:thecat sat on the mat but the mat ran away.

  5. oliver twist was in the workhouse

    I tried to speak Spanish, and my friend dontai tried to speak English.

    When he handed in his homework, he forgot to give the teacher the last page

  6. Simple:I like Football all thogh i need more skills

    Compound:I really want to eat my yummy choclate bar but my mum won't let me

    Complex: My friends want to play a computer game and i want to but on thr other hand i need to do my Homework

  7. Hi people. So what im going to do is im going to write simple,compound and complex sentence wish me luck. Simple - Jim can make it out the terrifying workhouse. Compound - The woman shouted at her poor lovely daughter. Although the woman said sorry very polightly. Complex - Mr Highman, who is a English teacher teaches very good.

  8. hi bloggers,today im only doing simple for an example:Miss williams is lovely.Compound:Miss live in loundon which is in crown point.complex:Miss williams is my math english topic and sciecne.

  9. Well done guys you have done a great job at getting this idea it is lovely. one simple sentence is :Hillmead is a giagantic.

    1. Gigantic what Omotola? Remember to read your comments carefully before you post them.

  10. My simple sentances
    The little girl had lots of sweets
    she hated being fat

    My compound sentance
    The little girl had lots of sweets and she got very fat
    she was fat and nearly exploded

    my complex
    Mr highman and Miss williams, who were my teachers, are the best teachers in the world
    Angelo,who is my brother, is so annoying but i love him.

  11. hello bloggers here are some senteces.
    oliver had went to the dredfull workhose.

    jim was fores to work in the workhouse and they gave him broth.

    the infirmary had taken away Jim mum and left him an orphan.

  12. Obviously Oliver Twist is an orphan.

    Victoria and Albert were married and she was born 1819.

    Jim Jarvis,chimney sweeper,had a hard life at the workhouse.

  13. Ok .... Hello everyone im going to do a little blog and write some simple,compound and complex sentences.Simple:I went too the park and saw a enoumous building.Compound:I love skipping although sometimes it can make you drop.Complex:

  14. Hi bloggers its chandon ive got simple sentances,compound sentances and finaly complex sentences.I like tea but i despise coffee.

  15. simple:I went to the park
    compond;i went to the park and played with all of my friends

    can u tell me a example of a complex sentence?

  16. 1.I like football

    2. I like football however, i like kingsqare

    3. ben who we meet today was a great teacher

  17. Hi bloggers i have have a sentence for you,
    This bulding is huge
    Jemma loves jelly but Emma does not like it
    I could have ice cream for pudding or i could have shortcake

  18. Me and my freinds want to b e spectacular football players.But I have to train first of all

  19. VICTORIA was so sad

    ALBERT was so happy, but VICTORIA was more happyer

    JIM and EMILY were sad, for mother, but they cheered up

  20. 1. SIMPLE i like football 2. compound i like football because its fun 3. complex i like football because it is fun and when i score i get a lot of glory.

  21. oliver twist was in the victorians time where they do work like chimney sweeps and clean up the floor.People who was in the pavement had no chose if they didn't want to do nasty jobs for there kids and them self they only had little food if they ask for more like oliver twist they will be punshied and get hurt really bad. they had no chose if they did not like to do it you will be forced

  22. Simple:Obviously Oliver Twist Street Child.

    Compound: Street child Jim Jarvis Steam Wealth Factory.

    Complex:Orphan child sweep chimhey,steam,twist infirmary.

  23. Simple:The boy was playing football.
    Simple:My mum coocked pie.

    componud:The boy was playing football and talking to his father.
    compound:The girl was playing with her doll and helping her friend with her homework

    comlex: Nicole was sad, for her mother, but she cheered up


  24. When im older I want to want to be a spectacular tennis player so I can have lots of freinds.I also want fans to cheer me on and make me more inderpendent.

  25. Simple:Ovibously Oliver twist is an orphan.

    Simple:Victoria was born on 1819.

    Compound:Jim jarvis worked as a chimney sweeper,and was exsposed with poverty.

  26. Hi bloggers today I am going to tell you today all about simple,compound and complex.
    For example:
    simple:Hill mead is a place for me.
    compound:I went on a picnic and everyone was nice to me.
    compound:I had a best friend that always plays with me, and she is the best friend in the world

    1. Hi people today I'm going to write a compound sentences.
      Compound - Oliver Twist works in an chimney and he is also an Orphan. Thank you Mr Highman for telling me what is a Fanboy.

    2. Hello bloggers today I'm writing a compund sentences.
      Compound - Queen Victoria was married to prince Albert but poor Victoria's husbond died and never came back.

    3. compound sentence

      oliver twist lived in a workhouse but some chilren live in the street.

  27. complex:A boy ,who is a artist came to are school and darwed a nice pictur.
    compond:I love food butsome foods are spicey.
    simple:i hate my dog
    that was my sentecse i hope love it by deborah

  28. COMPOUND SENTENCE:Oliver twist works as a chimney sweep and lives in the workhouse.there's my compound sentence blogers.

  29. Hi 5 blue here is my compound sentance okay here i go:
    vicoria sat on pins and she screamed very loud
    she was put in hospital and she got graet results on her oporation

  30. COMPOUND SENTENCE:oliver used to work as a chimnly sweep and he lived in the workhouse.

  31. compond:oliver twist was a chimly sweep and he was student in the workhouse.

  32. Fatima and Chandon8 March 2013 at 12:19

    Hi bloggers today im going to show you a coumpound sentence

    Jim Jarvis hates the workhouse SO he wants to escape

    Victoria is a princess BUT has no friends

  33. Hi bloggers,I'm going to write a compound sentence.
    COMPOUND:Oliver Twist is an orphan and he is in the workhouse

  34. Hey bloggers im here to write a compound sentence . 1. Oliver Twist is a chimney sweeper so he lives in a workhouse .... Thank you for reading

  35. compound:Jim was a poor boy so he got set to the dreadful workhouse.

  36. here are 3 sentence.
    1.Oliver is a coal minier.
    2.Oliver is a chimney sweep and he workes at the workhouse.
    3.Mr Dickens is a story teller but he was in the victorian time not the mondern times.

  37. me alex and tobi will do a simple compound and complex on oliver twist here is ouer first one is the simple sentece
    1.Oliver is a orphan.
    ouer secound one is going to a compound sentece
    2.oliver is a chimney sweeoer and lives in the workhouse.
    3.Oliver is a worker in the workhouse,he is a chimmney sweep.

  38. I'm going to write a compound sentence.

    Coumpound: Jim Jarvis is an Orhpan,a street child and chimmey swept.

  39. compound: ovibously oliver twist was a orphan but however he was still exposed with poverty.

    compound: jim jarvis was not a millionare nor was he a billionare he was just one of those poor people.

    compound: Queen victoria was crowned queen at the age of 18 years,but howevere everyone did not have to follow her comands.

  40. shakye and brian8 March 2013 at 12:27

    Jim is a coal-miner and he has been living in the workhouse for decades.

    Jim and Tip are best friends but sometimes Tip is afraid to leave
    the dreadful workhouse.

    Oliver twist is an orphan so he will become a chimney sweep

  41. Jim javis is a very joyful boy but since he lived in the work house he had
    been sad.

    oliver deos not have wealth.

  42. here are 3 of my own senteces
    1. Oliver twist works as a local chimney sweep.
    2. Oliver lives in a verry strict workhose and lives with Mr sisons .
    3. Jim jarvis is an ophen but he is sepeated from his sisters emily jarvis and lizzie jarvis.

  43. Hey bloggers this is Zoe im here going to write a compound sentence for you. 1. The javis family were homeless so they had too live in a workhouse.

  44. Hi bloggers my example for a compound sentance is.I love my mum.But she sometimes dosent listen.

  45. i am going to write some simple and compound also complex sentences: simple:children in victorian times cleaned chimenys.
    compound:queen victoria reinged and made poor people go the workhouse and or work in the factories.

  46. Jim is an orphan but sadly he lives in the workhouse.

    Oliver is tiny so he can become a coal-miner and chimney sweep.

  47. Hey guys im going to do some examles of simple compound and complex:simple oliver twist is a young boy.compound oliver twist is a youngstar and he works in a workhouse.complex orphan who dose not have any parent they have to go to the workhouse.
