Saturday 9 February 2013

Incredible Inverse

Check out the Maths Mania page for the latest maths challenge!


  1. Hi people. The meaning of inverse is is like what we've been doing like if I said what's 3+7=10 the inverse would be 10-7=3,also we've been doing division but the inverse would be times.

  2. Hi people. The next meaning of inverse is that if your saying 6x7=42 inverse woud be 42divied6=7.

  3. hi bloggers,the meaning of inverse is the opposite of the operation that you are using.for an example:
    57-45=12. Inverse:12+45=57 the opposite of subtract is plus and the opposite of times is dived.

  4. Hi inverse is basically if you want to find out what 50-25 is just take away and you'll get your awnser because 25+25=50 and 25 would be your number but if you can't take away I agree to just do method.
