Monday 25 February 2013

Into the zone

Thanks Fiazana for introducing long division (chunking), now you can all practice this method at home with your adults. Using the same method, divide a three digit number by an odd number < 10.


  1. so if i was to do 123 divided by 10 will it equal 12 remainder 4? or Could u explain me it though the Blog

  2. 130 divided by 10 =

    Well first you look at the number that you are going to divide which m number is 10. So first you are going to draw a number line and write zero at the star and 130 at the end. when you have done that you are going to figure out what number is a bit close to 130. Which that is 12 because 10 times twelve is 120. So you are going to write 10 times twelve. So now that you are on 120. What number will get you to 130? And that is 10 because 10 times 1 = 10 so once you have wrote that down you get your answer. So their you are the answer is 13

    oh sorry i didnt notice that i done an evn next time i would do an odd

  3. 120 divided by 10

    well first you will have to draw a number line and write on the right hand side 120 andjump (10x10)100 and put 10 at the top and then jump 20(10x2) and put 2 at the Top and add the number at the top and you should get 12 and that is your answer.

  4. chunking is my best division because it little hape me with my x table and division is good

  5. Hi people. So a few days ago Fiazana showed us kids how to chunk and how you can get remainders in the answer to 96 divided by 9 = 10r6.

  6. Thanks to Fiazana for showing us how to chunk and now I really know how to chunk so do other people that's a lower level. 97 divided by 9=10r7.

  7. Read the question carefully 5 Blue. You were asked to divide a three digit number by an odd number less than 10.

  8. She is right Fizanna thanks for showing how to chuck.65 divided by 3=21r2

  9. chunking is my favourite division becuse it beter than numbr line is kind of harde and konfusing

  10. That is a fantastic teaching Fiazana i think that you are going to be a teacher when you grow up thank you Fiazana for teaching 5BLUE.

  11. i really like fiazana done because she really is like miss willams
