Tuesday 12 February 2013

Blogger of the Month


  1. Well done funmi you have done a great job at blogging and i think you will become a smart and professional woman in the future.

  2. Congratulation Funmi for being blogger of the month you make fantastic blogging and excellent comments.

  3. Hello bloggers, i just want to say thank you to everybody. I cant believe i am BLOGGER OF THE MOUNTH (BLUSH) (BLUSH). To be truthful, i could not have done it without all of my classmates and the support of my teachers thank you so much. I really appreciate the fact that Miss Williams took the time of her time just to decorate and fix us up to point about what is happenint in school.

    THANK YOU SO MUCH EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  4. hi every one i just want to tell funmi congratution!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Congratulation Funmi for being a fantastic blogger of the mouth.

  6. well done fumni you are blogger of the month i wonder if it will be you next time.
