Thursday 28 February 2013

Into University


  1. Hi people. On Wednesday my class went to Into University and we've been taught by a man called Ben.However,we went in small groups then my group we had little cars that had Itchy society,The Simpsons society...... Therefore,we guessed what we wanted to be when were older so did other people.

  2. So far we went to Into University ang a man called Ben asked us what were going to be when were older and what were going to study when were in collage.

  3. Also when we first arrived we went in small groups and we played a game called X Factor.How to play it we through bean bag to anyone we want and put up a X on our chest.

  4. i enjoyed going to into university it was fun and it taught me that i have to take courses to do what we want in the future, i want to go to Manchester university so i can study drama and law degree.

    1. I'm so pleased to hear this Omotola! What a great choice of University and course. Manchester is an amazing city, which has played such an important role in British history. Particularly during the industrial revolution. It also has one of the best music scenes in the country. What made you pick Manchester?

    2. i choose Manchester university because i enjoy British history also because i would like to see the amazing park next to it.

  5. I enjoyed when we had to do x factor it was really funny and miss Williams team kept on winning.but it is about if you enjoyed it. I've learnt that in university don't just live were you want it to be it will be far or really far,also however, i want to study a perdition that is a kids doctor.

  6. I enjoyed going to the Into University because it taught me I have to take courses to do what we want to do in the future, I want to go to Manchester University so that I can study how to be a doctor. I chose Manchester University because you learn new thing and their is over 50,000 I think so you have to choose wisley.

  7. Hey Blogspot,As you can see we had went too Into University. What the people do who teach at Into University they help you with your homework like if you do not get the questions they'll hep you also,they play some fun games and when we went we were just learning about what they do .... But i already go but it is still fun learning more even thoe i know alot its good too teach me again too get it stuck in my mind ....Thank you Miss William,Mr Highman,Miss Scarlett..You teach us alot and it makes us learn abit more in our edications... People who are reading this i think you should make your children go to Into University its a great place for your kids to be. Try and see what they do to help your children .... thank you.

  8. hi i really like the video and i just wanted to say I REALLY ENJOYED IT i like what you put on i hope the class will like it and the the the teachers will enjoy it to

  9. I really enjoyed into university because it helps you to decide if you want to have the experenice of going to university,also the staff tell you what some of the universtiy are known for as example one of the universitys were known for international politics.

  10. On wednesday my class went to into University and i really enjoyed when we had to work as a team and try to throw the beanbag to each other.In addition I enjoyed when we were learning about what they do

  11. I enjoyed going to Into university because it taught me how to be more independent and we also did courses to do and I would love to go to either oxford university or Manchester uni. But choose wisely because there is thousands of them so pick wisely, my fellow bloggers.
