Wednesday 30 January 2013

Drina's world


  1. Did you know that the victorians came after the Tudors

  2. Hello bloggers, I am going going to answer miss Williams question that she put up here I go:Yes in the Victorian days young children were forced to work even at the age of 6.But the question is what did they work as and who for?In the Victorian times children would either sell their parents food or do different kid of low engineering with their siblings. Thats all I have for today.

    Thank you for reading

    1. Have you looked at the picture of London above Funmi and can you answer the question? Look at the clues in the picture - the adverts, traffic, people and street lights.

    2. Yes miss Williams I also saw how poor the streets were. There were no library`s computers and robots to control businesses like how we have in labs now

    3. Here are some clues Funmi - traffic, street lights and advertising ...

  3. hello 5 blue ,miss williams questions was ,what jobs did they do in the Victorian time?there jobs where chimly dusting and engineering.there hands got cut of because it was dangerous work and they enjoyed that because they get a is some additional information, the kids that use to work for any job, there boss was rich so they will steal something from them.

    1. Super work Fiazana. See if you can answer the question I asked Funmi above.

  4. jobs: black smiths, coal mining, chimney sweeping, Walnut selling, servants/slaves, seller working working on farms. More educated women became teachers,clerks or secutaries.

    1. Excellent research Ridwaan, but do you know who Arthur Conan Doyle's famous detective was?

  5. The jobs that children used to do was, chimney sweeping and helping there mums and dads

  6. london has definatly changed especially brixton
    brixton is a BETTER place that the VICTORIAN times

    1. Look at the picture carefully Nicole, how is London different now?

  7. ALL THE JOBS that the poor children was adopted used to do was sweeping the whole floor from up to bottom and help all the royal people

  8. Hi one of the facts that I know is that Queen Victoria was married on her age of 18 Victoria married with her cousin prince Albert also Queen Victoria became Queen on the age of 18.

  9. Hey bloggers it's Sashay. That the shameful practice of child labor should have played an important role in the Industrial Revolution from its outset is not to be wondered at. The displaced working classes, from the seventeenth century on, took it for granted that a family would not be able to support itself if the children were not employed. Bye bloggers I hope you enjoyed the imfomation.

  10. Hi bloggers, today in class we were enjoying ourselves doing games but it was not just any king of games that everyone plays with out questions this one is about queen Victoria. It was different kinds of themes like crossword, monopoly and snake and the ladder it was so much fun. My group did monopoly and me named it Vicky-mono short for Victorian monopoly we did not get to finish but you would see pictures of it when we finish and miss Williams puts it on the blog. It was not just a games we had different kinds of questions like: When was queen Victoria born?, what date did she die? but basically the whole class had different questions as well.

    I cant wait until miss williams puts them up

    Thank you for reading

    1. I will publish them on the blog soon Funmi. Glad you are enjoying the topic!

  11. Hi bloggers,in Victorian time the victorian children were taken away from their family and forced to work at the factory to be chimney sweeps and when they are hurt the will just get replace by the people who own the factory.Also,the children were not suppose to leave the factory.


    1. Life was certainly tough for children then. How do you think the children felt? How would you feel if you were made to work so hard?

  12. Queen Victoria died on the 22 of January 1901 because she was very weak.London has changed because their is technology and there are no carriages their are cares.They used to work as chimney sweepers,servants/slaves,walnut sellers and sellers on a farm.

  13. In Victorian times young aged children would work as chimney sweeps also coal miners, those kids would normaly would work for at least 12 hours a day don't you think that is extremly cruel some children would even be put into workhouses which were the worst of all.The conditions were horrible they had to sleep in dirt and would have to wear no shoes to wear and they would walk in what ever is on the ground.

    1. I was hard being a child in the Victorian era. How do you think they felt? Think of Oliver Twist and Jim Jarvis.

  14. In the picture They have carridges not cars also, there are more flats than houses and its in black and white.

    1. Actually, the first cars appeared during the Victorian times, but only rich people could afford them.

      Early car drivers were required to have a special attendant walking in front of the car, holding a red flag as a warning.

  15. Hi people. The difference is that the cars are actually carriages when people use to use in Victorian times. In the future we have electric cars and also buses.

  16. The little i know and which i can remember about Queen Victoria is that she got married to her first cousin Prince Albert,she had nine children for him.She was crowned queen when she was only 18 she was also known as the grandmother of Europe.I like how yr 5 blue did there blog and keep the good work up i really like some of your sentences like Funmi's and Haliat's also Dontai's Tosans's and sashay also more. i do not know much about Victoria.
    Thank you .

    1. Thank you Omotola's mum for this informative piece about the victorian era. I am sure 5blue are pleased to see another mum blogging and appreciating their work. Please do visit again to see how we are getting on in class.

    2. you are welcome miss Williams year 5's blog has really been great to see

  17. Hi people. In the Victorian times for the boys they didn't like the jobs they did ex-specially chimney cleaning most of them got stuck and died in the chimney. I think children shouldn't be treated that way because i REALLY FEEL SORRY FOR THEM AND IT JUST MAKES YOU WANT TO CRYYYYY!

  18. the victorians was the first one who made eletric and made a house for the poor people called the workhouse it was a hardworking place and people rather die it reminds me of oliver the clip that we whach in class

    1. You are correct Stephanie, they were the first people to make electric clocks. We will continue to look at life in the workhouse next week.

    2. Queen Victoria died in 1901.

  19. London has changed by there are so many carriages and the horeses used to drop poo all over the floor did u know that london was the smellyiest place in the victorian times?well today us people have advenced tec like cars motobikes and biycyles

  20. Queen Victoria has a very interesting story, like how she married her first cousin and how her father died before her grandfather died.did you you know that she had a African goddaughter called Sara Forbes Bonetta. She was a orphan at the age of eight, Victoria was impressed because of her intelligence and respect.Sara is now her goddaughter,she married Captain Davies and they were happy together.

  21. I think victorians had a mystery and sadness in there life.

  22. Oliver twist is a young boy who is an othphen child who lives with othphen kids such as himself. Once he asked for more food and the govenour got so angry he turned red.
