Sunday 27 January 2013

A Brief Study of Time

Last week in numeracy, we focused on time.
Share something new that you learnt about time last week.


  1. Hi i'm Sashay and i've just watched the amazing clip miss made about time. I LOVED IT MISS WILLIAMS.

  2. AMAZING even though i was not there

  3. miss here are the question answers
    1.there are 60 minutes in a hour.
    2.3:45pm on a 24hour clock is 15:45.
    3.there are 2 weeks in a fortnight.
    these are most of your question.

  4. Hi miss Williams there is 60 seconds in a minute,60 minutes in hour ,two weeks in a fortnight,24 hours in a day, 100 days in a century and 1000 in a millennium.

  5. Hi people there is 60 seconds in a minute,60 minutes is an hour,two weeks is a fortnight,24 hours is one day,100 days is a century,1000 is a millennium and 2 days is 48 hours.

  6. Hi people. There's something that in 24 hours is one day and 48 hours is two days and the 24 is doubled that's why I know what two days are 48 hours.

  7. Hi people. The reason why I know what a fortnight is because 1 week is 7 days and add anther 7 to make it 2 weeks but they just call it a fortnight.

  8. There are 14 days in a fortnight, 24 hours in a day, 60 minute in 1 hour and 60 seconds in a minute. Finally, there are 365 days in a year and 366 days in a leap year.
