Sunday 27 January 2013

Remember them?


  1. That was very entertaining thanks for putting all of this hard effort to this video

  2. I really enjoyed the film because it had imfomation about the robots.

  3. Hi I really like the robots and it is a good way to remember how to control all the robots and work as a group.

  4. Hi Miss Williams i've just watched a clip of the robots and I remember when we all went to the CLC and I really felt excited to make robots dance. I remember that we also had a dance compotion too.

  5. This was very entertaining and fun,I loved it and now we are doing it again.When we did the dance off it was fun because, we learnt new things to do with the robots.Like making it talk and twisting it about.

  6. Hi Miss Williams I remember the robots it was really entertaining and I remember when we went to go and see it, we had had a competition to see who's robot danced the square. It teaches me that Lego robots are fun also Did you know that Robots created cars?

  7. Hello everyone, I definatley remember this day it was hectic we done comps unfortunatley my group did not win but we always learn from our mistakes and dose not matter about whoever won its about the effort that we put into it and I am proud of my group there were some places that were challenging but we made it through.

    Thank you for reading

  8. I enjoyed the amazing vedio because it had lots of imfomation about the clever,wonderful robots

  9. Hi Miss Williams. I really enjoyed when we done anther dance compotion in school inside the middle hall. Well I liked Fumni's group because how the way the robot was moving looked SO COOL! bye people.
