Friday 1 March 2013

Michael Rosen - Fast food

One of my favourite poems, by the great Michael Rosen. Is he talking about junk food or food that moves quickly?


  1. i tthink his poem is nice because because he is talented to use food combination and make them rhyme so that is very very amazing.

  2. I like this poem because it rymes and it's Imaginative and It makes me feel hungry and it has expressions also I noticed that it has reptitons.

  3. Hello I'm Stephanie and fast food is really un-healfy for KIDS and ADULTS. Sometimes fast food can make you sick and make your belly hurt very bad. SO KIDS OUT THERE WATCH OUT FOR FAST FOOD!!!

  4. Hi people today I'm going to be talking about fast food.Fast food is seriously not good for you eventhough we eat it but is not good to be eating a lot of fast food. IT WOULD MAKE YOU FEEL SICK IF YOU EAT ALOT YOU KNOW

  5. hi bloggers<fast food can be on healthy,it can put cararies in your teeth and it can make you put on weight.Aliso if you eat to much you will feel sick and we dont want that do we.
