Saturday 30 March 2013

Farnham Museum


  1. Hi this was the moment of my life it was so great i wishhh i could go over and over lots of times IT SOOOO GREAT

  2. it was scary at the farham but it didn't get scary at the end because the lady came out of role also,the acting was funny because when i was giving the tea i fell down onto to the floor and then the boss kick me out.that was heart-braking for me.

  3. We had a wonderful time over there because we got to play a game with one of the managers in into university. We got to make lavenders, dolls, make games and write about queen victoria. It seemed like everyone enjoyed themselves.

  4. It was really fun when we made a fact file about Queen Victoria.We had to write all the facts about her and that was hard but fun.However,when we made the lavenders bag was fun to also, interesting.finally,when we made the dolls was funny because,some of ours didn't come out as we expected.But it was so fun!
