Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Hill Mead is hip to the jive

Today, at 11:30 am, we put on our glad rags and ankled down to the middle hall for some whoopee!
We had a head bobbin', finger-poppin' time courtesy of: 
Dontai the 'Duke', the 'First Lady of Bop' Tecia, 'Kansas' Kayde, the 'King of Swing' Tobi, 'Cannonball' Simms, 'Buddy' Sang and 'Boogaloo Joe' Bashir.

The fellas at their first gig
(One cat warmed up the audience with some jazz flute)

Thursday, 21 March 2013

World Poetry Day

Today is World Poetry Day! A day for celebrating the finest verses and rhymes in literature and the remarkable poets from all eras. 

Well done to Deborah, Funmi, Yashua and Sashay who read and performed Funmi's poem 'Rain' in front of the whole school.

Another of my favourite poems, this time by the great Spike Milligan

Friday, 8 March 2013

Benjamin Zephaniah - Talking Turkeys

Not Christmas yet, but this is clearly a popular poem!

Thursday, 7 March 2013

Be inspired - World Book Day

Today is World Book Day. Today we celebrate authors, illustrators, books and (most importantly) reading. In fact, it’s the biggest celebration of its kind, designated by UNESCO as a worldwide celebration of books and reading, and marked in over 100 countries all over the world. 

On the Storycraft page of the World Book Day website, ten brilliant authors and illustrators have shared their top tips on writing and creating illustrations for stories. Check out their tips and hints and keep trying to improve your writing!

Friday, 1 March 2013

Michael Rosen - Fast food

One of my favourite poems, by the great Michael Rosen. Is he talking about junk food or food that moves quickly?

Counting down to World Poetry Day

Every year on 21st March it is World Poetry Day. Over the next couple of weeks I will be posting some of my favourite poems, to get us into the spirit of the event. Let me know what yours are and I will post some of them as well.

What is poetry?

Many people have tried to describe what poetry is. It is more than just words that rhyme or lines in verses. Often good poetry says something meaningful in just a few words. It is concentrated language. If normal sentences are orange squash, poetry is like the syrup before it is diluted.

If you read a few lines of poetry, it often sticks in your mind. Poets usually have strong feelings about the subject of their poem. They often want the people who read their poems to feel the emotion too.

Poetry often has a strong rhythm or beat, like the lyrics to a song. Many poems use words to paint a picture in your head.

How would you describe poetry? 
How does reading your favourite poem make your feel?

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