Thursday, 8 November 2012

What's on your mind?

Who does this remind you of?

On this post, you can blog about anything to do with your school life or what you have been learning.

It could be something to do with our current topic, or a question you may have about your homework.


  1. Hi my name is Funmi and i am going to talk about what we were doing in class today. Here i go! So in class today we were learning how to make a 180 degrees semi circle. We had to pick partners and we had one of each and also a 360 degrees whole circle. It was a fun activity, thank you for listening!

    1. I also enjoyed it Funmi.

      Can you explain to the bloggers the different angles we have looked at in class.

      Thanks Funmi

    2. Well the different kinds of angles that we looked at in class are 90 degrees angles, 45 degrees angles, obtuse and acute angles and many more. Maybe youll get inspired and be encouraged to do angles more often ..........!!!!!!!!

  2. Hi my name is Omotola. Today in numeracy we were looking at shapes and we were in tables so we named the shapes and we looked at the features of different kind of shapes. next,in literacy we writing the bad charahters and good characters also the setting theme/moral magic/trick problem/solutoin and also many more. My favourite lesson was when we did some paintings but we had to do it in dots. SO THAT IS ALL WE HAVE DONE TODAY.

  3. hi my name is Mailee, we have been doing painting with shapes all differnt 2d shapes. It was so much fun. It will be great if we did it every first week of term. I love doing art, even though I cant draw or paint, it doesn't matter.

  4. Nicole
    our whole class loves doing art, even me i always draw and create stuff at home, i always ask some of my family members to do a pose so i can try and draw them. I tryed to draw some of these fariy tale characters and write all about them at the bottom of the drawing. hope you enjoyed reading my comment.

  5. nicole
    this remindsme of Dontai because he is always putting his hand on his chin to think

  6. Tecia hello this person looks like Dontai because when miss Williams ask him a question he put his hand on his chin.

  7. Hello again this picture reminds me of Dontai. I am now going to talk about our Homework. In our Homework Miss William, told us to pick 3 digits with a total of 12. Can you do it in 10 different ways, then we picked a four digit and five digit in 10 different ways, with a total of 12. For our literacy during last term, we focus on poetry with their current focus on Fairy tales. To do this, write a poem about a fairy Tale that you know.

    1. Hello Haliat, can you share your fairy tale poem with other bloggers?

    2. My Fairy Tale is called Little Fairy witch relates to Tinkerbell.

      Little Fairy

      Little Fairy,
      Shine so bright.
      Little Fairy,
      Show your light.

      Little Fairy,
      I’m amazed.
      Little Fairy,
      You seem to blaze.

      Little Fairy,
      I love your allure.
      Little fairy,
      You are so pure.

      Hope you Enjoyed it Thanks for Listening

  8. I think this reminds me of a boy who is in my class if you say what are your favourite subject (demo) He does that face and it really tells me he thinks alot well done Dontai for doing your thinking face.

  9. Are they right? What do you think Dontai?

  10. This term year5 have been looking at shapes and it is really fun because we get to experiance different shapes that we dont know about.We are also going to be mixing some science with art and Numeracy I also enjoy art even though I am not good at,but I found out I am pretty amazing.

    1. Shakye you painted a really great example of pointillism today, which is why it has been displayed on our blog, so well done for trying so hard. You have found yet another talent!

    2. ok well done shakye

  11. today in guided read we have been learning about,writing ies,s,and es.
    here are some that i want to show you 5 that i have lent from year 5.

    reply > replies day > days chair > chairs lot > lots

    play > plays

    1. Thanks for sharing this Fiazana. As we discussed in class, it can be confusing so can you remind us of the plural rules as a guide.

  12. A boy in our class could Dontai he always puts that thinking face on when he tries to figure out the answer he deos that on our table.

  13. this picture does remind me of Dontai.omotola

  14. The thinking boy looks like mr Dontai when a teacher asks him a question he rubs his chin.

  15. this reminds me of dontai beacause he always is just siting there thinking and daydreaming. so thats who it reminds me of.

  16. It true it's me. This is a bit funny though,but this is what I do when Miss Williams asks me a particularly challenging question! I have to think really hard.

    1. Ah, at last we have all agreed on who must be in the picture. Keep thinking deeply Dontai, you always contribute so well to our class discussions.

  17. Today we have been looking at some times table challenges and Tecia is the times table champion at the top of the leaderboard.

  18. Today we have been having times tables challanges and Tecia is at the top of the class. Our topic this term is fairy tales and we have been doing dramas about the Socerer and his mirror. I thought the soceror was very wicked!

  19. Today in numercy we have been doing times table challenges and I beat lots of people and am now top of the class!

    1. Good for you Ridwaan and remember to keep practicing your mental maths at home.

    2. okay miss william

  20. Today Mr Highman taught us, first he put us in two groups or in three group. We were practising our test so that when we go and to do our real test we would not be in groups. That was numeracy.
    Next in literacy we wrote some questions because of we are reading the snow queen by Hans Christian Anderson, we were asking qustions for the soceror.THANK YOU FOR READING AND THANK YOU MR HIGHMAN FOR TEACHING US TODAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY.

    1. It was lovely to teach you all again Omotola! Wasn't the Sorcerer and the Mirror a great fairy tale. I will have to read the rest of the book myself this weekend.

    2. Thank you for the update Omotola, it's really good to hear what went on in my absence. I am sure it was nice to have Mr Highman teaching you again.

    3. Welcome to our class blog Mr Highman and thanks for teaching 5blue while I was away. As you can tell from various posts they were really pleased to have you.

      Do visit our blog again to read and see what we have been up to.

  21. Today in assembly Mr West was talking about scientists and words they use like chemicals, invent, improve, variation and more. Charles Darwin was a famous scientist. THANK YOU FOR READING BY OMOTOLA.

  22. Hey on my mind is happyness because mr Highman been teaching us in class and it was very helpful for him to be working with us at all times.

    1. I enjoyed seeing you all again Sashay, keep up the good work.

  23. I Really appreciate the fact that ms Williams takes the time to design our nice stunning blog because if she was selfish and a mean person she will just leave our blog blank and dull i`m sure you readers will agree like SHE IS ONE OF MY FAVORITE BEST TEACHERS EVER ! ! !

    1. Thank you Funmi. I have to say I am also enjoying the blogging world and I always look forward to hearing from the class. Keep your exciting messages coming and encourage others to join the blogging wagon.

  24. Good morning year 5, I just wanted to say that yesterday miss came back and taught us again. So in numeracy we were identifying the sides of shapes because there was some shapes that had the sides written but the ones that did not we had to find them. In literacy we were writing about what the sorcerer had done to ruin people's lives we were also we written how we felt about it and what we dislike and like.

    1. Omotola what area of numeracy were we covering? Why did we need to find out all the sides?

      Remember to proofread ok. In fact get the family involved by asking them to help you proofread before publishing. Hope to hear from you soon.

  25. Hello to everyone. I just want to say a very big thank you to Miss Williams for putting up these videos, because now that I have watched them I can be just further on what your going to teach us in literacy about the Snow Queen.

    1. Me too, I thought that it was very kind of Miss Williams to put the Videos also I really like The 3 Little Pigs it teachs me that Buliding a house of straw and sticks is too light and it can easily break down.So buliding a house of brick is so much better than building a house of stick or straw.

  26. My name is kayde and I really want talk about the our resent trip that we went on. We went to 'the centre of the cell' and it really tort me me about what my body was made of and how it works.

  27. Hello Bloggers i am going to be talking about what we did in literacy today here i go today well we had a work sheet with missing gaps o we had to fill them in and some underlined words that we had o find in a thesaurus some people were finding it difficult but they always say practice makes perfect and it was an fantastic session


  28. HELLO bloggers, I just want to talk about something fantastic yesterday. Well here I go! 2 days ago was parents evening it was of the hook like there wasn't even a coat on the hook, that's how good it was. Miss Williams had some good news for my mum and some wobbly news for my mum, but I'll keep aiming the game never give up THANK YOU MISS WILLIAMS !!!!!!!!

  29. This evening, I went for my parent evening and I got good news because Miss Williams said that my maths was good but I need more practice like: multiplication, mostly my subtraction and sometimes my addition and borrowing. So i wanted to ask Miss Williams how can I make it better but not by doing it at home always? THANK YOU FOR READING

  30. Hey guys what am gonna talk about is ABLE.
    - table reliable disable.
    - 2DOUBLE LETTER WORDS noodles poodle toodle.
    -1 TIVE sensetive
    -BLE trouble tomble rumble shrumble

  31. Miss Williams you gave us the homework with the divisbilty rule and I forget how we did it again.

  32. Hello bloggers,i just want to talk about our new topic in school for 5blue which is the Victorians and miss Williams gave us a challenge how do they measure time back then in the Victorians and this is what i found out:In the victorian times they used the electric to know if its sunrise of sundown and for all different subjects like bedtime,supper and dinner.

    Thank you for reading.

  33. Wants on my is that what will happen in last page of the book street child the book!!!!!!!!! i think what will happen is Jim's family will be rich and MR the Spinx wanted to come to there home and because he was poor he wanted to live in there house . but i think what the mum said was no because he kicked them out from he's house they don't want hem to live in there home !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so next time let them live in your home

  34. am still thinking what will happen at the very last end of street child

  35. I would like to thank 5 Blue and Miss Williams for keeping us parents up to date and informed on what the children are doing everyday. I enjoy reading your blog. Fantastic work 5 Blue, keep up the good work.

    1. Thank you for your words of encouragement. Please come back and blog again!

  36. Today in topic we had to write a time table for poor people and rich people and my day.

  37. hi miss Williams told me to practice using comas here are 3.
    1)miss Williams went to the park,with her friends at 6pm.
    2) Jessie went to the park,with her kids that she takes care of.
    3)tony who guards the lobby,like Jessie but Jessie does like him.

  38. whats in mine my mind today is what the class is doing today because i was sick and i did not no what they was doing am still wondering which thing should i practice in math and litrcay

    1. We were practing our Decimals,frations and Percentage so what we were doing excatly is we was using the percentage to work out for e.g (10% of 50=5 (20% of 50=100 so it go on and on.

  39. My life in year 5 is fun because we get to go on a trip and the one I liked best was the pizza exspress because we got to make pizza and takethem home to eat.


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