Monday, 19 November 2012

Lego NXT

Today 5 Blue had a really fun day at Lambeth CLC learning how to programme Lego NXT robots. I am really looking forward to using these robots in school.

A Lego NXT programmable robot


  1. Today we went on a trip and I liked it because we controlled robots by using the computer. We download instructions to the robot then it will do what you told it to do, I liked it because we did not do anything all day.

  2. Hello to all you bloggers out there I just wanted to say that today we went to CLC (known as city learning centre) what we did there was learn how to control extremly cool robots. Also we got to go on apple mac mini laptops, so I'm sure you will want to know what we were doing on the laptops. Well here I go well there was an square mat were the robot had to go around on. So on the mini laptops we had to like put how we want the robots going and what position it should go in, but that was not just the tricky part because we had a challange and the challange was to go around 2 cones in a circle.

    After that we had lunch and had a chat with our teachers, then we went back to the robot business. We had to do a robot dance, not with our bodys but the robot bodys. Just a couple minutes after it was time to go to the park, but so many people started asking questions so it was unfortunate we did not have time to go.

  3. I really enjoyed playing with the robots. Thank you for taking us to the clc miss wiliams.

  4. Hello im here to talk about the lego robots and it was pretty fun and we had to learn how to use them because we had to teach some little ones how to use it aswell so here i am we were making a planner to controle it and we had to have a danceing compertition and guess who won GROUP ONE im really sad but other than that it was very good

  5. I really enjoyed going there it was a very good opptunity for us learning to use robots.It was the best trip ever in my whole life thanks miss willams.

  6. Lego Mindstorms NXT is a programmable robtics kit released by lego in late July 2006.It replaced the first-generation Lego Mindstorms kit, which was called the robtics invention systerm The base kit ships in two versions: the Retail Version the Education Base Set.It comes with the NXT-G programming software

  7. This term we got to go to the CLC and it was absoloutely amazing because we learnt how to control robots and we had a dance competiton.

  8. Hello everybody this term we have been exploring the clc and we had a robot dance contest it was very good because i got to do all soughts of things.

  9. Hi bloggers, I just wanted to say how much fun we had in the CLC which is know as the (City learning Center) we had fun playing with the robot, which is also known as the Lego NXT. We got to go on the apple mac mini laptop. We basically learned, how to control Robots using the laptop we we were split into 3 groups and some of named our robot. My group named it YHI witch is known as Yashua Haliat and Imani. Then they put a square mat were we were told to make the robot go straightly on the square mat. Some people got the task and they gave them another task witch they placed 2 cone that makes a figure eight on the square mat.

    Thanks for listening and reading.

  10. Hey I'm Sashay and me and my best class went to CLC and my favirote part was that we had a dance compertion and my old group won and i never minded bye.

  11. I enjoyed the robots when it dance a round alot

  12. hey my name is kayde and I really liked the robot because it was fun

    1. What did you enjoy the most about the day Kayde?

  13. Hi my name Safia and im going to tell you about what we have been doing this week.This week we have been looking at how electricety works.Also we went on a school trip that was CLC witch stands out for city learning center.When we went on the school trip i really enjoyed it because we got robots that can move from the computer but first we have to download it.My favirote part was when we were doing the dance competition.


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