Saturday 10 November 2012

What's the point of art?

This week 5 Blue created their own paintings in the style of Pointillism. 

An example of Pointillism by the French artist Georges Seurat
Pointillism is a technique of painting in which small, distinct dots of pure colour are applied in patterns to form an image.

What do you think of Pointillism? Did you enjoy using this technique?

Can you name any other artists who practiced Pointillism?

Fiazana, Deborah and Shakye with their paintings


  1. Hi my name is Aaliyah and my favorite Lesson is Art, because it inspires me by not letting me give up on art. Also in Year 5 blue are relating art to our Numeracy and science on Friday 9th of November we did pointillism and we used cotton bud and some some straws. Thanks for listening.

    1. It is so lovely to read that you are all enjoying the art lessons. Hopefully we will be doing some more art lessons this term.

  2. Hi my name is Sashay and i like talking about art and thats my favorite activity beacuse i'm very good at it and what we've been learning was making shapes for our topic books also there's a fantastic piture of a man and me and my mates tried to guess what the picture was thanks for reading it.

    1. You are right Sashay, you are really good at art and it's the way you patiently complete your work that make them so lovely. Keep it up!

  3. there is an artist called george pierre and seuarat vintage and yauiyo kusama and seuarat nelly and emile claus and fedireco pietreela and lawrie dignan and les bas buitin.Thank you for reading.

  4. Hi erm im gonna tell you alittle about what we have done in class in the last 2/3 days we have been doing pointilizm so basically we have to do art and draw with 2D shapes any kind and we had to paint them in pointilizm i dont know if i spelt it write but yeah we had to do those kind of stuff it was pretty fun because it could be anything but JUST WITH SHAPES i think everyone enjoyed it because it was really exciting and for that i am thinking if i grow up and b an artest but i am going for that goal and im loveing the way our teacher is inspring us by doing better by showing us some pointlizm witch we can do in art but with diffrent colours. Thank u miss william and i hope we can do many more painting like this....

  5. Hi this is what I found out from the internet. Alfred Sisley is a impression landscape painter who spent most of his life in France to do pointisillism, but he travel to England so that he could work with the best artists. Since he was in England he painted the River Thames. Paul Gaugin is a french painter when he died he much popular. Most of his painting related to people who bought it. He became a big millonare. Vincent van Gogh is a Ducth post impressionist painter, he drew himself when he was a young child in pointillism. Henri Edmond Cross is a france painter and printmaker. He was called the master of pointillism, he loved playing instruments too. Paul Signac is one of the best painters. He went to France and he painted cities all different kind of cities. He met Claude Monet, he taught him to get perfect and the best in painting. Most of the painting he did are of the France coast. Omotola

    1. thank you miss Williams i really enjoyed writing about Alfred Sisley and what he has been painting.

  6. Thank you Omotola and Fatima for sharing your research with the rest of the class.

  7. Pointillism is now my favourite art now because I never used to like art but now I do.Sometime i get really upset because sometimes I get it wrong,but what I do in school I feel reborn in art.Pointillism is my second favourite subject but maths is my first favourite subject.Thank you for teaching me how to do pointillism with shapes and paint.

    1. That's great Dontai. I am really pleased to hear that. I remember in Year 3 you were quite reluctant to do art, but now it shows how you are maturing and taking risks. Well done!

  8. Pointtillism is my new second favoourite subject because i never used to like art but pointillism give me the corage to do art now.

    1. A very good point DONTAI pointillism it's wrong sometimes but if you get it wrong you will still get it at the end.

  9. I really like pointillism i try to do pointillism at home with my colored pencils. hope you enjoyed my comment byeeeee!!!!!!!!!!

    1. You should bring it into school Nicole and show us. I would love to see what pointillism with colouring pencils looks like, as we have just been using paint.

  10. Hi my name is Kayde, I think pointillism is good because of how masterly it looks.

  11. pointillism is my first favorite subject is cool

  12. This month we have been learning about pointilisim.We have been creating our own sorts of pointilisim paintings such for our litracy books.also we have been learning about christen andersons books. futhermore he has made one of the best books it was the snow queen.

  13. Hey I'm Sashay and what we've been learning is art and I'm very good at it. We've been looking at a piture and guessing what the picture was. Me and my mates were sorting out how to put the peaces of paper in right place and most of my friends found out what the picture was (it was a fantstic picture of a man).

  14. Hello guys, i am going to be talking about art as yo might know already anyway let me get to the point through out this weak we have been looking at art as i would say pointillism so in class we had a work sheet and we discussed what we think pointillism then miss Scarlett showed us an small bit of the photo but no one seemed to know what it was until the part when wee had different kind of colored strips so we put then together and it gave u an handsome looking guy thanks for reading

  15. Hi im safia, and i am going to talk about art and thats pointillism,well in pointillism we have been using shape into a okay for example is a butterfly and we could also draw anything we want.And thank you for reading good bye.
