Tuesday 27 November 2012

Using the grid method

Here is an example of multiplication using the grid method.

Kit Kat - pack of 8 for £1.46
The class has 30 children. How many packets will you need to buy so that each child has one Kit Kat?

To answer, first calculate:

8 x ___ = A  number close to 30
8 x 3 = 24 (24 pieces are too small for 30 children)
8 x 4 = 32 (That’s perfect, better we have more than less!)
So we need 4 packs x £1.46 (total for 32 pieces)
Using the grid method to work out 4 x 1.46

Now try to solve this:

Curly Wurly - pack of 5 for £1.26p
In a class of 30, how many packs will you need to buy so that each child has one? How much will it cost?


  1. When we first did the grid method I was kind of getting some wrong because of the numbers and multiplicatoin but when I came back from break time i eventually got it right.SO THAT TEACHES ME THAT I SHOULD BELIEVE IN MY SELF AND THAT MEANS I WILL GET IT RIGHT IF I TRY. THANK YOU MISS WILLIAMS FOR TEACHING US.

  2. this work of maths is graet because when you do this is a bite hard but is easy if you know it

  3. The correct answear is £6.30 Miss Walliams.

    1. Note quite Godswill, try again.

    2. Hi miss this is me Godswill using a google accont i will cheak my answer correct miss.

    3. Great, scroll down the page to see what others have done. This may help you work it out.

  4. wow this is exellent grid method and much more easyer to understand. Thank you for putting the easy grid method on the blog Miss Williams.

  5. Replies
    1. Three cheers for Tobi, with the first correct answer. Can any one tell us how he might of worked it out?

    2. he might have used the caculator the way i would have done it is 6x1.26=7.56

  6. I know that 4x1.46 is 5.86 because I used the grid method to times it then I do the coloum method to add it all up.

    1. Now that you clearly understand the way to work out the answer Shakye, have a go at the question about the Kit Kats.

  7. I like the maths because when you are paning or partty you can use it.

  8. i know how to use the grid method to answer it

  9. Hi bloggers i am completing Miss Willams task!

    6x4=24 which aint close

    6x5=30 just right

    1. You have only completed the first step Fatima. You need 6 packs and each costs £1.26, what is the total cost. Use the grid method to help you work it out.

  10. How to use the grid method The standard method for multiplying together two numbers with two or more digits is usually called long multiplication.

    However a simpler method, which is easier to understand, and which uses easier calculations, is now taught in schools. It is sometimes referred to as the Grid Method.

    The Grid Method is based on the idea of splitting both numbers being multiplied, into their tens and units. We will illustrate the method by calculating 23 x 42, the 23 becoming 20 + 3 and the 42 becoming 40 + 2.

  11. Today in class we were learning on how to solve decimal problems beacause we are setting up a fairy tell party and some people have a budget of 40 and 60 pounds so we can not go over our budget its so much fun cant wait until friday wooaaaaaah!!!!!!

  12. thank you miss now we learn how to solve long math problems

  13. Hi Bloggers, I am going to try to complete Miss Williams Task

    6x4=24 (which aint that close to 30)
    6x5=30 (Thats perfect, better we have more than less!)

    So we need 6 Packs. Thanks for reading.

    1. A good start Aaliyah. Good to see you are able to use your multiplication facts.

      Now calculate the cost of the 6packs at £1.26p each

  14. For the kit kat you will need 4 packets so every child has one chocolate.I know this becaus 8x =32 and 32 is near 30 and it is better to have more than less.

  15. Hey miss the awser is 7.56

  16. ok 6 packs are 6 x somethimg what make 30 packs using our times table knowledge is 6 x 5= 30 i will work out the second step later miss walliams.

  17. Hi basically we are using grid method to do our multiplication to help us learn our times table and work during class instead of struggling counting on our fingers. And I really like it because we learn more and its a better experience for us
