Sunday 30 June 2013

Romeo and Juliet @ Hill Mead

What did you think of the performance? 
Was it different from the story you read in Year 4?


  1. That was the best film EVER.The thing that i liked was when they expressed them self and made them into their own version it felt like it happened in real life.

  2. I really enjoyed the play of Romeo and Juliet.I enjoyed it because they had lots of street fighting. Also,the blood seemed so real too.

    In year4 it was very different by the origanal one.There performence was very emotional and full of LOVE!! I LOVED IT!

  3. It was the best play I will see in my lifetime. The acting was amazing The directors wrote a very good. play. Romeo and juelt rocks.

  4. the romeo and juliet show was amzing and i agrey with fatima it did look like it happend in real life and i love the endding wich means that true love can last forever nomatter what happend .The thing that i liked is that was when there was the party and we were danceing togther and haveing a good time then juliet got told off bye her last thing that i like was when the lady was singgin because was beateyfull

  5. The Romeo and Juliet performance was H-E-C-T-I-C it was of the hook and all the urban twist it was just abousoluntley Great and Miss Williams you did a great job with this video it was outstanding and i really enjoyed the lagbaga music in the background it was the best grove

  6. The one we read in yr4 was different because it told us what really happen and the other one was just REALLY AMAZING.


  7. I really liked the Romeo and Juliet at Hill Mead because the acting was so good and they really changed themeselves or express them selves into characters. Also that the directors really took there tme to direct it and change it into there own version .

    The version was diffrent from the story that we read because in the story the mum never knew i think and Juliet was forced to marry to another man that her parents had plan for her.

  8. It was awesome watch that Romeo and Juliet.The actors was amazing,the way they can just remember every word in that book.The singing was fantastic.It was fun when we had show Romeo how to dance and then we had to dance.

  9. the romeo and juliet show was fabulous i really loved it when the let everyone dance on the stage.Also,the way they changed it is amazing!i really hope they come and visit us!

  10. It was AMAZING! I love how they Acted. Voice was good as well.'Thou you shall Kill my Love'

  11. that wasss soo FUNNNN i will watch it again it was sooooo romantic i agree with fatima and deborah i really enjoyed it (love stuck)

  12. Thank you for coming to our school thi was the best show I have ever wathed

  13. my faroute moment in year five was when we got to learn about the victorians.because it was fun to learn about it .

  14. Romeo and juliet was very entertaining beacause the actors did not make it olden days but they made ir morden day. The romeo and juliet we watched in yr4 was different because the words they used were like:art,thou, thee. That was incredible

  15. The Romeo and Juilet play was awesome.I am still stunned by it.It was fun we had to teach Romeo how to dance and then dance ourselves.The singing was amazing and the way they can memarizlied all those words.

  16. i loved so very much but as well as that we done a play about it to. so it was nice that they did one for the kids in year 3,4 and 5.maybe we could go and it again

  17. The romeo and juliet performance was absoulotely amazing and it was one of the best performances i have watched in hillmead.My favourite part was when they were in the party and everybody got to stand up and dance.

  18. That was the best show ever that i wish i could see it again because they had really loud voices and it was romantic and everbody liked it.

  19. WOOOOW!! To tell you right now I am speech less because that peace of act was so great it almost made me cry .... It means you can love whoever you want no matter if your Muslim or Indian you can still love
