Tuesday 2 April 2013

There's a new book to discover ...

Here is a clue about the book we will be reading next term.
What do you think it will be about? Can you guess what it is?


  1. It is about a boy that goes to the girls toilet.I think he goes to the girls toilet because he was playing truth or dare and they said'i dare you to look at the girls toilet'.

  2. I think this is about a boy who settled in with a bad croud,so I think he expresses himself by acting bigger than everybody.Wich might have led him to entering the girls lavetry.I predict that he will be expelled from his school.

  3. This book is called there is a boy in the girls bathroom.Is about a boy called Bradley Chalker who the teacher says he has "behaviour problems" who picks fight with girls and teacher.No one likes him

    except Carla

    she thinks Bradley is a sensitive and genouros she even enjoys his far-fecthed stories Carla knows Bradley can change but if only he werent afriad to try

  4. i think it is about boy who has serios anger problems,until he meets this school council who he fulls in love with. However she moves to another school which makes him go mad. so mad he accidently walked into the girls toilet which is embarrasing.

  5. Now that we have started reading the book i know two very important characters and their names are Jeff and Bradley.They met at school and from there they started being friends.

  6. Now that we have started reading the book i found out two characters called Bradely and Jeff. The story is about Bradley who is a bully he tells lies, he picks fight with girls, and the teacher says "that he has serious behavior problems". But one day a new boy comes into school called Jeff.Then Bradley and Jeff becomes frends.

  7. i think that Bradly is a bully he is not cool because he always stuben

  8. I dislike that fact that Bradley Chalkers picked on the new kid called Jeff.Why is Bradley bullying Jeff in the first place,but least Bradley got a friend because before he as an island>

  9. In chapter 3 i think that Bradly is going to dare jeff fishkin's to go into the girls bathroom.So jeff doesn't want to be a scerdy cat so he go's into the girls bathroom,then two girls are there and they get shocked that the new kid is going into girls bathroom.

  10. what i think will happen next is bradly is going to be jeffs friend and jeffs going to sit next to bradely.

  11. i think that he will start to be frends with jeff and when they are he will change him slef.

  12. When we started reading this book I found out the main characters were bradley chalker and Jeff. Bradley has serious behavior problems i think if he interacts with the lessons he can over come it.

  13. I think what will happen in chapter 3 will be that maybe bradley and jeff will meet up at school and bradley will start controlling him and telling him what to do and jeff would think his a nightmare

  14. There a boy called Bradley Chalkers. A new boy come to school called Jeff Fishin. People in Bradley's class teacher say he has ''Serious behavior'' And then Jeff and Bradley Became friends.

  15. i think what is going to hapon is bradely toy is going to
    to dai

  16. Hi 5blue we are reading a brilliat book called there is a boy in the girls bathroom and there is a really rude boy called Bradley and he get in fight with girl.In chapter 1 he says "give me a dollar your i will spit on you".

  17. i remember when we read there's a boy in the girls toilet, there's a boy called bradley and a boy called jeff

  18. I predict that Jeff and Bradley will be friends then the other children will start to be Bradley's friend and then he wont get left out.Also Bradley might not have to sit at the back of the class.

  19. I think the boy was forced to go to the girls' bathroom.The girls look very shock because he went and sneaked in the girls' bathroom

  20. Hello,miss williams have told us the first chapter about this book.Well is the story theres a boy in the girls bathroom and thats the book of the name.Bradley is an imbarassing boy and is a big bully and gets in fights with girls.He told one girl"give me a dollar or i will spit on you"The teaccher is always saying he has behaviour problems.

  21. I pridt that jeff soon because a bully but bradly becomes good like jeff

  22. We have been starting a new book about "theres a boy in the girls toilet". The author of this book was called louis sachar hes a verry good childrens author. The book is about a charecters called bradley and jeff. jeff was a new boy and bradley was an island bullie

  23. I thinks he wants someone but he went to a new school so he wanted to go back but he cant so he went to the girls toielt because he felt embarresed of something.

  24. i predicted in the next chapter that Jeff isn't going to be Bradly's friend but ,on the other hand in the next few chapters Jeff is going to change his mind when Carla leaves red hill school, then Bradly is going to write something that's nice to Carla as a going away card.Also he will give Ronnie to Carla.

  25. I think it is going to be about a boy that goes inside a girls toilet.then goes to the new councler after school bully with a new friend has a fight and the girl punches him in the eye.The next day he blames his friend for punching him in the eye instead of blaming the girl.

  26. I predict that Bradley is going to write a letter to Carla then he is going to get used to doing homework. Eventually he going to be known as the good boy.
