Thursday 29 November 2012

Pointillism revisited

I thought our recent paintings based on Pointillism deserved a new post. 

Excellent work 5 Blue and I can see from your comments that you really enjoyed experimenting with this technique. 

Maybe we have a young Vincent or Leonardo sitting quietly among us ...

Lovely vibrant colours and super technique from 
Inocencia, Dontai, Fiazana, Shakye,  Asheyden and Zoe

Tuesday 27 November 2012

Using the grid method

Here is an example of multiplication using the grid method.

Kit Kat - pack of 8 for £1.46
The class has 30 children. How many packets will you need to buy so that each child has one Kit Kat?

To answer, first calculate:

8 x ___ = A  number close to 30
8 x 3 = 24 (24 pieces are too small for 30 children)
8 x 4 = 32 (That’s perfect, better we have more than less!)
So we need 4 packs x £1.46 (total for 32 pieces)
Using the grid method to work out 4 x 1.46

Now try to solve this:

Curly Wurly - pack of 5 for £1.26p
In a class of 30, how many packs will you need to buy so that each child has one? How much will it cost?

Monday 19 November 2012

Lego NXT

Today 5 Blue had a really fun day at Lambeth CLC learning how to programme Lego NXT robots. I am really looking forward to using these robots in school.

A Lego NXT programmable robot

Sunday 18 November 2012

Sensational similes

One of my favourite things about our class text The Snow Queen are the vivid descriptions. To improve our writing, this week we will be focusing on using figurative language. 

Here is an photograph in two parts. Try to describe the image using similes. Remember, a simile is a comparison using like or as. It usually compares two dissimilar objects. For example: Her smile was as beautiful as daffodils in the breeze. 

Saturday 17 November 2012

Celebrating our success

Here you can see some examples of the fabulous work we produce in 5 Blue.

Monday 12 November 2012

Hans Christian Anderson

This term we will be reading a book by the famous children's author Hans Christian Anderson.

Can you write a short biography about him? Have you read any books or fairy tales by him? If so share your thoughts with the rest of the class.

Who was Hans Christian Anderson?

Sunday 11 November 2012

5blue2012's photostream

Here is the link to our very own Flickr account: 5 Blue Hill Mead 2012's Flickr photostream

This is where I will post photos of our class on trips out and other events.

Once upon a blog ... (Part 2)

Hill Mead presents The Three Little Pigs

A short drama by the 5 Blue ensemble

Here was our first attempt, as you can see and hear we had some technical and human glitches! 

I do admire the professionalism of the actors though.

The finished film.

Saturday 10 November 2012

What's the point of art?

This week 5 Blue created their own paintings in the style of Pointillism. 

An example of Pointillism by the French artist Georges Seurat
Pointillism is a technique of painting in which small, distinct dots of pure colour are applied in patterns to form an image.

What do you think of Pointillism? Did you enjoy using this technique?

Can you name any other artists who practiced Pointillism?

Fiazana, Deborah and Shakye with their paintings

Thursday 8 November 2012

What's on your mind?

Who does this remind you of?

On this post, you can blog about anything to do with your school life or what you have been learning.

It could be something to do with our current topic, or a question you may have about your homework.

Monday 5 November 2012

Once upon a blog ...

Whooooshhh!!! That's the sound of this school year flying by. I can't believe it's already November. WOW! 

So what are we learning about this term?

Once Upon a Time: Writing Your Own Fairy Tale by: Nancy Loewen

In Literacy today, we started looking at fairy tales and I would like to hear about your favourites.

When you are describing your favourite fairy tale, remember to include some of the things that we touched on in class. 

Also remember to say why it is your favourite.

Grammar revision

This is to help the group that looked at complex sentences today:


Remember a complex sentence has an independent clause joined by one or more dependent clauses. A complex sentence always has a subordinator such as because, since, after, although, or when or a relative pronoun such as that, who, or which.

Try to add commas to these sentences:

A. When he handed in his homework he forgot to give the teacher the last page.

B. After they finished studying Funmi and Shakye went to the movies.

C. Shaking with fear, the boy made his way though the forest.

D. The girl overwhelmed with happiness stared at the treasure.

E. Although she had a bad eye Omotola still came to school.

Have a go and we can discuss tomorrow.